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All of my writings prior to 2023 can be found below. Here are some of the more popular pieces:Popular posts
- Three Years: Part OneThe first part of my three story of divorce, burnout and breakdown, set amist the pandemic.
- Not what I had in mindBrief tales of chance, passion and people, and a good introduction to what I care about.
- Digital minimalism in action: the 30-day digital declutterMy report of a 30-day digital declutter: what I changed, how it went and what I learned.
- 10 ways to upgrade your Huel gameHere are my ten best tips for improving the taste of Huel, including equipment recommendations and calorie breakdowns.
- Lessons from 3 months without boozeI stopped drinking for 3 months—here's the most interesting things I learned and recommendations for your own sober experiments.
- More black voices to pay attention toAn exploration of black voices and ideas, beyond the standard Anti-Racism reading list.
- Why meditation mattersMeditation and mindfulness are two of the biggest trends around today. But what does their popularity tell us, and what does it mean for our understanding of a being human?
- How restrictive diets actually work: the 5 principles of weight lossWhether it's low carb, vegan, Paleo or keto, each diet promotes weight loss through the same surprisingly simple principles.
- How to Run 100km, Part 2: The Cotswold Way ChallengeMy race report and lessons learned from the day I ran a 100km ultramarathon in a heatwave.
- 5 tips for anxiety and panic attacksHere are my 5 best tips for dealing with anxiety—after years of struggle with my own anxiety disorder—including my favourite book recommendation.
All posts
- Rebooting your mind: The ACE Method Explained (Mar 21)
- 3 Strategies for Shifting into Deep Work (Mar 14)
- How To Be The Person People Turn To (Mar 7)
- The Power in a Name: How to Sell Engineering Projects (Feb 28)
- Why founders need clean mirrors (Feb 21)
- How a hobby landed me an acquisition (Feb 7)
- Working in pulses is my secret weapon (Jan 31)
- My magazine fame (Jan 24)
- Spirituality is a celebration of your full stature (Feb 1)
- Adi-Da: notice the self-contraction (Jan 27)
- Buddha and Parmenides on the deathless (Jan 21)
- A rational awakening to the mystery (Jan 21)
- I am not a spiritual person (Jan 14)
- What I'm doing this year—modern mystic (Jan 6)
- Digital minimalism: Two years on (Nov 27)
- Winter holidaying in Cwmystwyth (Nov 19)
- Not out, but through! (Mar 26)
- Orientations (Mar 1)
- Logos (Mar 1)
- My favourite Huel porridge recipe (Jan 1)
- How to delete Facebook (Nov 6)
- My favourite engineering management books (Nov 5)
- Upgrading the Prysm Eth2 client from binaries (Nov 4)
- Growth in wisdom is symphonic, not linear (Aug 25)
- Robert Anton Wilson on the consciousness transformation at the heart of religion (Aug 23)
- Anattā does not mean 'there is no self' (Aug 20)
- How I set up this website (Aug 20)
- What is a mystic? (Aug 19)
- This is not a blog (Aug 19)
- Setting up an Eth2 Node on DigitalOcean with Prysm and Ubuntu (May 15)
- Hello Hugo, farewell Middleman (Apr 11)
- Using a reverse proxy to integrate WordPress into Rails (Mar 8)
- Digital minimalism in action: the 30-day digital declutter (Jan 12)
- The two faces of polarisation and one remedy (Dec 6)
- Roger Scruton on why beauty matters and the cult of utility (Nov 27)
- Less but clearer: coming back to simplicity in meditation (Nov 24)
- Coastal Quarter race report (2020) (Sep 8)
- More black voices to pay attention to (Aug 30)
- I’m back (Aug 29)
- Go Long: BTU56 West Loop Recce (Jan 8)
- The 3 stages of Insight Meditation (Dec 5)
- 10 ways to upgrade your Huel game (Nov 7)
- Go Long: Shitlaning (Nov 5)
- Learn more and blog better with Readwise (Oct 31)
- Write your worries down (Oct 25)
- Go Long: Callum and I (Oct 13)
- Hit the button (Oct 9)
- Go Long: Portisnever (Oct 7)
- Drinking after being 6 months sober (Oct 3)
- I want to be more active, but... (Sep 25)
- hthb newsletter 03 (Sep 7)
- A whole lot of reasons to try Huel meal replacement (Aug 29)
- How to breathe well (Aug 23)
- Why you should be writing in Markdown (Aug 21)
- Organising your blogging with Trello and Sublime Text (Aug 15)
- How restrictive diets actually work: the 5 principles of weight loss (Aug 7)
- how to human being newsletter (Jul 26)
- hthb newsletter 02 (Jul 22)
- How to Run 100km, Part 2: The Cotswold Way Challenge (Jul 12)
- How to Run 100km, Part 1: Preparing for a Heatwave (Jul 5)
- Ultramarathon fundraising for the mental health charity, Mind (Jul 3)
- Lessons from 3 months without booze (Jun 26)
- hthb newsletter 01 (Jun 22)
- Why to choose Ghost for your blog (Jun 13)
- 6 unfounded fears about writing & publishing online (Jun 4)
- Reading obituaries (May 30)
- It's easy to be stupid: Hanlon's razor (May 23)
- How to make a sourdough tin loaf (May 16)
- How to Run 50 Miles, Part 2: The Butcombe Trail Ultramarathon (May 4)
- How to Run 50 Miles, Part 1: Preparing for an Ultramarathon (May 2)
- 5 tips for anxiety and panic attacks (Apr 12)
- Change the behaviour, keep the reward (Apr 1)
- 10 reasons why I’m not drinking this Spring (Mar 26)
- When choice turns to compulsion (Mar 21)
- What do I write about? (Mar 5)
- Just come back (Feb 27)
- Calories count, but you (probably) don’t need to count them (Feb 21)
- Act, or don't—the key to productivity (Feb 20)
- Why meditation matters (Feb 15)
- Why fitness matters (Feb 6)
- Meditation on the breath (Sep 4)
- What is meditation? (Jun 4)
- Because we care (May 2)
- Answering the demand (Jan 2)
- Three-week meditation work retreat at Gaia House (Jun 19)
- Snake Arising (May 1)
- 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat at Dhamma Dipa (Jan 10)
- The magicians (Jan 24)