What can I get coached on?

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The short answer to this question is: nearly anything.

Coaching is a dialogue that is led by your sense of where you want to be and where you feel stuck.

That might entail a change in work, relationships or any part of your life.

Examples can be helpful, so here are some issues people turn to coaching for:


Family and relationships



Sometimes, people just feel stuck or have a gnawing sense of wanting more. This is fertile ground to begin a dialogue, and a coach can help you better define what’s behind the stuckness and how you might move forward.

—Dan Bartlett
10 Oct 2023

Pssst! want some dedicated support in your goals?

When I'm not writing, I work 1-on-1 with people as a coach. If you want the space and accountability to make real, lasting change in life, work or waking up, book in a free discovery call and I'll explain how I can help 💪

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