I started running ultramarathons in 2018, after reading Born to Run.
I’m not alone: The Guardian ran a good article on the phenomenal rise of the ultramarathon.
If you’re curious but understandably daunted by the idea of running that far, ultra-veteran Damian Hall’s 10 things no one tells you before you run an ultra-marathon is an excellent read.
Personally, I love running hills and trails and most of my races are on those types of terrain.
GMU30: Green Boy
- 45km and 657m elevation
- Average pace: 6:49 min/km
- Finished in 5:02, about 6th
- Strava
Coastal Quarter
- 44 miles and 1885m elevation
- Finished in 8:45, 14th place
- Average pace: 7:24 min/km
- Race report
Summer Green Man Ultra
- 45 miles and 1046m elevation
- Average pace: 6:35 min/km
- Finished in 8:03, 5th place!
- No race report, but here’s an Instagram post. Also best. medal. ever.
- Strava for the route and numbers
Cotswold Way Challenge (June)
- 100km (62 miles) and 2400m elevation
- Finished in 12:54:55, 7th out of 627 starters, with 208 (33%) dropping out
- Average pace: 7:36 min/km
- Part 1: Preparing for a Heatwave
- Part 2: Race Report for the Cotswold Way Challenge
- Strava activity for my 2018 CWC run
- I also raised £1200+ for the mental health charity, Mind
Butcombe Trail Ultra (April)
- 80km (50 miles) and 1926m elevation
- Finished in 10:38:39, 34th out of 98 starters
- Average pace: 7:54 min/km
- Part 1: Preparing for an Ultramarathon
- Part 2: Race Report for the Butcombe Trail Ultra
- Strava activity for my 2018 BTU run